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Sample Public Presentations

"The Heart and Mind of America." Presented at Wausau, Wisconsin, February, 2010.

"Robert E. Gard, The Wisconsin Idea, and Why the Rhinelander School of the Arts Matters." Presented at the Rhinelander School of the Arts, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, July 2009.

"Robert E. Gard: Looking Back, Looking Ahead." Presented to the Wisconsin Regional Writers Association, at their 60th anniversary meeting, September 27, 2008.

"Who walks with you?" Presented at the Utah Arts Council Change Leader Institute, November 13, 2007.

"Creativity, Faith, and a Stronger Community." Delivered to the Gunnison Congregational Church, February 5, 2006.

"The Heart and the Mind of America," for the St. Croix Valley Community Foundation and University of Wisconsin-River Falls delivered in Hudson, WI, November, 2005.



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